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I'm back
Looking Forward...
So sianzz
I'm so tired!!!
Whoa, what a busy week!!
Finally a time...
Eve of Chinese New Year
'Keep Looking Foward' Daze
Orange 'Factory'

Date back by month
January 2010
February 2010
March 2010
December 2010
Saturday, February 27, 2010 @ 5:48 AM
`Whoa, what a busy week!!

Whoa, had a very busy week!! Feeling so tired, now in a TCC in Terminal 3, Changi Airport and just finished with my presidential poster. Wow had interviews, speech in front of 80 teachers in the AVA room and busy editing script, ARGH~!~!! sianzzz. Norizam and Patrick have started their campiagn i think, Norizam even has his own facebook page, i think its too over, haizzss. What to do...after all this and my speech this tuesday, will have to start planning for the upcoming CIP. Ok,..very tired..will say more next time. Still have not complete my corrections,need to write 200 times...20 times per meaning and phrase which means i have to write more than 500 over words. Waste my foolscap, and pen ink only, haizzs but at least i started early so when the class wil have to do it, Danish and me will be done doing it, lucky us..or should say unlucky..??? Just feel like sleeping.

Thursday, February 18, 2010 @ 12:30 AM
`Finally a time...

Finally had the time to post about CNY. OK going to start...

Eve of chinese new year:

Went to my grandma house at night for steamboat, finally met Jasreel..ok then blah blah..eat play,eat ,play, watch tv. Then about 2am Wenqi jie came as they wanted to wait till Elton and his family to go home. We decided to go to Chinatown at 3am and reached Chinatown at 3.30am. At 3.30am++ we still had to squeeze through the people, and we saw a group of people. We saw Elvin Ng, Andie Chen, Nat Ho, and other 2 cast from teh show 'Together' at about 3.45am..3.45am still got stars to see, they probably came for shopping after their performance before that day. Bought some goodies and flowers for the house and reached home about 4.45am, bathe, unpacked stuff and slept at 5.30am+
1st day of Chinese New Year:
Woke up at 10.30am and prepared my bag. Changed to my new year clothes and its the day i can finally wear my new shoes,love the shoes. Reached grandma house at about 11.50am and eat the delicious mee sua...Yumm!! At about 1pm went down to meet mummy and proceeded to my uncle's new condo...the house was quite nice. After eating and chatting, i proceeded to play Wii, so fun hahas. Then proceeded to the house at Chai Chee, and ate again by the time we left the place it was about 6.45pm means it was time to go back to a-ma house..-.-!! Then, reached grandma house at about 7.25pm and ate steamboat again. This time ended the day at 2am plus.
2nd day of Chinese New Year:
Woke up late today,hahas..shiok!!Then about 12 plus, went to a chairman house for lunch. Played Blackjack and earned about $8..Then got Lion Dance and Dragon Dance, close up show, got some photos will post next time on facebook. Then about 6.30 plus,called home to check if Auntie Anne has arrived, and she had.We rushed home immediately. Finally, I saw Clare she is so adorable,got a chance to carry her. Ate steamboat with auntie anne and family and they left about 8 plus, so glad was able to see them.
3rd day of Chinese New Year:
Did not do much today, got notice from Fraser that she will be coming later on. At about 6 plus she called me to go down and company her up, and i actually sprained my right foot beacuse of a high heel,shit right..i fell on my butt. Played Taiti,Mahjong and Blackjack with Fras and earned about $5. We ate mac donalds for dinner and Fraser left at 9 plus. Now limping a bit hope it will heal soon,haizs -.-!!

Saturday, February 13, 2010 @ 1:57 AM
`Eve of Chinese New Year

'HAPPY CHINESE NEW YEAR TO ALL FRIENDS AND FAMILY' Was called to wake up at about 9, wanted to have a longer time to sleep today, but haizzs. Went to Sheng Siong supermarket,everything there was sold out so we just bought a few things and proceeded for lunch at the hawker centre. Then, went to Giant Hypermarket to carry on with the shopping,spent about over $150.00 there as we bought many suffs and we haven bought any sweets yet. Carried big bags up from the car. Luckily the new lift is up already, or else i can't imagine how we are supposed to carry it up,whoosh!! Just finish bathing and now waiting for my dad to come fetch us to go to my a-ma house for steamboat. Feeling hungry now as auntie gina's
cooking something,the aroma is superb hahas. Happy chinese new year, may all collect as many hongbaos and possible and thanks to the adults for the hongbaos,hahas:D Wait!! 1 more thing,i'm still currently waiting for the software to edit videos, planning to make a few MVs for ming zhong, already got images and songs in my head, so excite to start on it soon. ok thats it..i think.

Friday, February 12, 2010 @ 1:58 AM
`'Keep Looking Foward' Daze

'Keep Looking forward' was quoted from 'Meet the Robinsons' movie. Started to day energetic as was very 'enthu' about going back to East Spring Primary. Went to school earlier today as there was a meeting about the duty later on. Got duty today too, finally got a chance to finish doing latecoming. I collected about 18 phones today including an i-phone seh. Proceeded to class after that to complete the envelope for my total defence letter. My group was nominated as the top 2 and the class were supposed to vote. My class is seriously biased seh, my letter was way better than that group lor, but who cares. Helped with the senior citizens which came for a neighbourhood nearby. I was in charge of the woman, she's a Eurasian and is 84 years old,does not look like right, she is a very outgoing and optimistic woman. She told me that she has 9 grandchildren, 3 a manager, 1 owes his own tatoo shop. One of the them was a manager of all the mac donalds in Singapore. She told me to call her bebs, as her dad wanted to call her baby as she was the youngest and only girl in the family, with seven brothers. But baby was too weird so it was changed to bebs. Really enjoyed the time with her, all the senior citizen seems very outgoing except for a few quiet ones. Lastly, we were the one who packed the oranges and helped in taking care of the eldery. We weren't thanked,haizzs i think that the school treat us counsillors as maids or dogs, but for the CCA points...-.-. Then finally, time to go to East Spring,many of the teachers were still around no change just that some became older hahas. Met Ms Wong, Mr Goh,Mrs See, the principal and many more. There all remembered me and my name, can you believe it never met them for a year and they still remember me including the principal. The principal said ' I know you are the girl who likes to keep your fingernails long,have been observing you,hahas and u are the batch two years ago.' Isn't it so cool, really miss them a lot. My goal is to visit East Spring Primary twice every year, as i am school sick i mean primary school. Miss the food even more plus friends of course. Met many classmates today including Fraser,Shawn,Suyi,Nigel.Clement and a few more..shawn is still as pretty. Go to facebook to check out the photos, shawn will be uploading more..so look out!!:D

Thursday, February 11, 2010 @ 4:43 AM
`Orange 'Factory'

Woke up feeling sleepy but the thought of tomorrow made me looked forward to the end of the day. I have been recieving many ghostly messages lately, a while about Haiti, a while about bl**** Ma** and so on, wasted so many sms. Jezrika,Huiting and Pierre came to my house yesterday go check out facebook for the pictures. Got my POA and History results today..
History- 13/25 ~haizss but at least i passed.
Went to the meeting room to help pack the oranges for tomorrow, 2 big oranges for staff and senior citizens and another 2 oranges plus 4 small oranges for class chairman and vice-chairman. We worked as fast as a factory or maybe even faster hahas,done in less then half an hour. I'm having a very special duty tomorrow as there will be a group of lonely senior citizens who live in one room flats. They will be joining us for the Chinese New Year celebration and my job is to help them hold hampers,bags, serve them food and look out for them like a grandchild hahas.........hope to gain experience from this..take care all:D

Monday, February 8, 2010 @ 4:26 AM

Had a tiring day today as i came back late from Malaysia yesterday. Started off with POA followed by phyics. Was only looking forward for drama training today. With the new curtains on in the classroom, it made the classroom dark like in a theatre just without the air-con,felt like sleeping,my head was so heavy needed to use my hand to support. I can't wait for this friday as i will be going back to EAST SPRING PRIMARY, i miss it so much, and also can't wait to meet my ex-classmates,miss them so much!! Took my measurements today for my custom-made costume, they measured many places from top to bottom,but she was quick. I helped by recording the measurements she said. Can't wait for musical, which is coming in less than 8 weeks,anticipating it. That's about it,hope to get more replies from 6A'07 about the attendance this friday,really hope to meet most of them again.:)

Saturday, February 6, 2010 @ 7:29 AM
`Fulling day!!

OMG!! 命中注定我爱你 is still addicting as ever, i'm now even watching it on my handphone. Just finished watching 就想赖着你, the show seems quite nice, the lttle boy is SOOO cute. Started off the day at 8.10am had to atten a meeting a Eunos CC, have so many deadlines to meet, the dance auditions,blog and video,so many stuff to do. And with just less than 8 weeks after chinese new year weekend. the date of the musical is nearing,still have my lines to remember. Went to KFC with a group of councillors after the meeting,and some time of them proceeded to my house till about 3.30pm before going to Giant to shop for groceries for today's steamboat. Now currently waiting to go home, haven done my homework plus going to Malaysia tomorrow, so rush , so liitle time.

Suyi: Miss ya too!
Shawn: I'm not sure when we will meet but i hope it will be soon, as i am currently busy with projects and my upcoming musical in April so see ya soon!!

Friday, February 5, 2010 @ 1:11 AM
`Aching here and there,giddiness spinning..

Went shopping with Lerrin and Hui Ying yesterday as they wanted to buy their new year clothes.Since i have already bought my clothes, i only bought a necklace to wear on new year. I know i hate shopping i walked till my legs seriously ache. Imagine walking from 4 plus to 7 plus at bugis street and i-luma. I-luma has very little people and Lerrin bought a very nice skirt that i chose for her,hope she like it, i'm also in love with that skirt. It cost $34 something...there's a cute white bow on the skirt, looks so sweet. I'm currently feeling giddy probably low blood,haizss. Got lots of 'ming zhong' videos in my handphone,so happy hahas. That's about it,having a meeting at 9.30AM tomorrow,it seems that i'm never free with the remedials everyday after school and meetings on saturday,my resting days are all gone,ARGH!!! Buhbye!!:D

Wednesday, February 3, 2010 @ 4:00 AM
`OMG!! I miss it!!!

Can you believe it!! I saw Ethan Ruan Jing Tian before at the star awards last year and i didn't even know.Missed the chance to really notice him i do not even know him last time..ARHG!!! Do not know when he will come to Singapore again i'm so blur to have not knew him at that time..OMG feeling so depressed hahas. I even have the video with him in it and i did not know it till now thanks to youtube..haizs. If i have a chance to see him again and of course also Joe Chen i will be so happy..but unlikely,so sad:(

@ 12:25 AM
`So sianzzz, I HATE IT!!

I HATE MY CLASS..I HATE MY CLASSSSSS!!!!!You must be thinking why, because they are super irritating,really want to give them a tight slap on their face. I HATE ALL THE MALAY BOYS IN MY CLASS!! THEY ARE SO RACIST I TELL YOU,OMG cannot take it but what to do. The only classmates that i can really get along would be Jezrika and Huiting and probably a few more,haizss. I still prefer 2F,i miss them. Played a friendly handball match with 3N1 which most of my ex classmates are. As expected they won the game as they really had great teamwork, my current class does not have as much as them. Mostly the malays has more 'teamwork' with each other. Really less chinese girls in my class,ARGH!!! The good thing about express is that i do not have to stay for an extra year which gives me more chance to get into the polytechnic i want and i do not have to take another year of NAFA test,hahas. But the disadvantage is that i have to leave my friends and suffer in my new class,but a least i still get to meet up with old classmates and the few friends i have in my current class. Planning to invite a few counsel friends,Jezrika,Huiting,Lerrin,Rosabel and Renee for steamboat at home. Also awaiting to go to Mrs Tan house,have been talking about this since last year,hahas so long. That's about what i want to say,take care all..buhbye!!:D